Worldwide Disaster Respond

In cooperation with other relief organizations, Helivida provides fast disaster respond to populations affected by events such as famines, floods, earthquakes, etc. 


In years past, Helivida has provided disaster relief to the following countries:

Philippines - Typhoon "Haima"

One of the most powerful typhoons to ever hit the Philippines killed at least eight people on Thursday (October 21, 2016) as ferocious gales and landslides destroyed tens of thousands homes.

Super typhoon Haima (Lawin - the Philippine name) struck late on Wednesday night with winds similar to those of catastropic Haiyan (Yolanda - the Philippine name) in 2013. HELIVIDA supports local friends and financially.



Haiti - Hurricane Matthew

HELIVIDA is supporting the victims of hurricane “Matthew” through the ministry of Miriam Frederik. Miriam has run an orphanage in Port au Prince for the last 30 years. She is also in charge of various churches and social projects in the remote parts in the South West of the island. Dr. Stephen Schroering accompanied Miriam on a 10-day journey through this difficult terrain.



Nepal - Earthquake

HELIVIDA provided support after the devastating earthquake in Nepal both financially and by providing professional staff to assist with organizing relief flights. We are very grateful for the good collaboration with MAF.



Philippines - Typhoon Jolanda

Together with ETHNOS 360, we distributed 93 tons of relief goods and transported 405 people. We also distributed 4000 kilos of sea weed seedlings to give the islanders a means of support.  


2013/ 2014

Brazil - Flood of the Century

In the upper Amazon region (Brazil and Peru) huge areas have been flooded. We are helping with the organization and transport of food parcels.



Philippines - Typhoon

Shortly before Christmas the tropical storm “Sendong” claimed almost 2,000 lives. The inhabitants of Cagayan de Oro, Iligan, and Ozamis City were surprised by a spring tide.  

HELIVIDA helps financial.



Ethiopia - Famine in Africa

Because of the large drought, Kenya, Somalia and Southern Ethiopia were suffered from a terrible famine.

We helped with our helicopter in Awassa (Ethopia).



Haiti - Flood disaster

Still the same organisatzion as during the earthquake which stroke Haiti a few month before.



Haiti - Earthquake

HELIVIDA worked on getting Helicopters in Haiti to support the distribution of aid and supplies, also to transport medicine and doctors as well as injured people. Since we did not have a helicopter in Haiti we had to charter machines in America.



Brazil - Flooding

In Santa Catharina (Brazil) heavy rainfall led to flooding and destruction in December 2008. We supported the aid workers on site.



Nias - Earthquake

We were on site with our helicopters following the seaquake and earthquake in Nias, Indonesia.



Sumatra - Marine earthquake in Asia

We provided disaster relief on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia following the tsunami in Asia.


2004/ 2005

Madagascar - Cyclones

After cyclones “Elita” and “Gafilo” in February/March 2004, our pilots made survey flights with various organizations in order to determine the devastation and to plan relief efforts. Medical teams were flown in and approximately 15 tons of rice, corn, plastic blankets and other urgently needed items were distributed.



Congo - Volcano Eruption

HELIVIDA, organized the operation there with Medecins sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders), Asrames (Regional Organization for Medical Supply), seismologists of the UN and various film teams. Thanks to the flight with the seismologists, fears of a further eruption were alleviated. Also, Doctors Without Borders was able to gain an overview of the refugee situation, and with Asrames it was possible to fly much-needed medicine to various centers. Helimission’s helicopter was the only one stationed in the area of this disaster.



Mozambique - Flooding

Our helicopter was used mostly for survey flights, flying medical teams, as well as for distributing emergency aid packages containing rice, corn, oil, seeds and cooking pots.



Madagascar - 3 cyclones

Three cyclones within a short period: “Eline”, “Gloria” and “Hudah”

Over 200 flight hours were flown, enabling us to reach more than 70 villages and fly in medical equipment and assessment teams into the disaster areas. In addition, over 140 tons of food was distributed and medicine, blankets, soap and building plastic were also flown into the needy areas.



Mozambique - Flooding

Food, drinking water, medicine and household start-up packages were distributed. Teams of doctors from the German relief organization “humedica” were flown into the flooded areas.



Albania - Refugee Crisis

HELIVIDAs SOS container houses served as a medical center in a large refugee camp. Financial assistance was also given to other relief organizations and assisting churches.



Honduras - Hurricane Mitch

Distribution of many tons of clothing and 20 tons of food and medicine. Transport of doctors, officials, geologists and film teams.



Papua - Drought

After a severe drought, the government requested assistance. We distributed many tons of food and medicine in cooperation with the Australian Government, Doctors Without Borders, and Mission Aviation Fellowship.



Madagascar - Hurricane Gretelle

In cooperation with several relief organizations, HELIVIDA transported doctors, and distributed over five tons of medicine, and 15 tons of rice and special food.



Rwanda - Civil War

Missions with: UNHCR, THW (German Technical Relief Organization), Doctors without Borders, OXFAM and other relief organizations. Erected plumbing for two camps; one with 27,000 and one with 200,000 refugees. Distribution of medicine and plastic covers. Transport of water purification systems.



Madagascar - Cyclone Geralda

Survey flights with engineers, railway personnel and World Bank officials. Transport of 340 boxes for the repair of the railroad, which supplies the capital.



Albania - Political Liberation

Transport of 50,000 pairs of shoes, 30 tons of clothing, 100 tons of seed potatoes, 5 tons of seed corn, 1 ton of vegetable seed, etc. Distribution of aid with the helicopter and 4x4 trucks in the areas which were difficult to access.


1992 - 1994

Kurdistan/Turkey - Civil War

Supplying the refugee camp with 60,000 liters of drinking water. This operation prevented a plague from breaking out, and saved thousands of people from dying of thirst.



Cameroon - Gas Release

Evacuation and care of survivors. Transport of the Swiss Disaster Unit, and seismological warning systems.




Sudan - Flooding of the Nile

Flights for UNHCR over the Nile into inaccessible villages: 100 tons of relief supplies such as wool blankets and medicine.



Sudan - Drought Disaster

Under the supervision of UNHCR, distribution of tons of food and medicine. Transport of medical personnel to eight camps to fight the cholera epidemic.



Italy - Earthquake

Cooperation with the German Red Cross (DRK). Organization, supervision, and distribution of relief supplies. Distribution of 2000 Christmas packages to the inhabitants in emergency shelters.



Ethiopia - Drought Disasters

Distribution of 10 to 15 tons of food per day to about 20,000 who were suffering from starvation.


1974, 1975, 1985